Why is Networking Essential for Flight Training?

Flight training is the first step to achieving one's dream of becoming a pilot. The primary focus of flight training is to learn how to fly safely and competently. However, it's important to remember that flight training also provides an excellent opportunity to build an aviation community and network with other pilots, instructors, and professionals in the industry.

During your time training at Hillsboro Aero Academy, you'll have many opportunities to attend on-campus presentations and webinars with numerous operators to help you begin building connections for your future pilot career. But how does networking help your career as a pilot?


Why is networking essential for flight students?

Networking is essential during flight training because it allows student pilots to connect with industry professionals, build relationships, and gain valuable insights and advice. By networking with experienced pilots, aviation professionals, and other pilots in training, student pilots can expand their knowledge, skills, and opportunities, opening up new possibilities for their future careers. This is an essential tool for student pilots who want to maximize their learning opportunities, build their skills and knowledge, and position themselves for future success in the aviation industry. 


Networking is an essential aspect of career development for pilots in training, as it can open up many opportunities. By connecting with experienced pilots and industry professionals, student pilots can gain access to internships, scholarships, and job offers that they may not have otherwise known about. For example, networking can lead to opportunities to shadow or observe pilots in action, providing invaluable insights into the industry and helping student pilots to build their skills and knowledge. Additionally, building relationships with aviation companies and organizations through networking can lead to job offers and connections that might not yet  be available through traditional channels. In some cases, networking can also help student pilots to find sponsors or mentors who can support them throughout their training and provide guidance as they begin their careers. These relationships can be crucial in helping student pilots to navigate the complex world of aviation and to build the skills and experience needed to succeed as pilots. 


Networking is a great way for pilots in training to gain valuable insights into the aviation industry. By connecting with experienced pilots and industry professionals, student pilots can learn about the current trends and job market demands in aviation and better understand potential career paths. For example, networking can help student pilots to learn about the latest technological advancements in the field, which can be critical to staying competitive and relevant in the industry. Additionally, speaking with experienced pilots can provide insights into the day-to-day realities of the job, such as the challenges and rewards of different types of flying, as well as the importance of professionalism and safety. Having this time to connect with other pilots allows student pilots to learn about the certification and training requirements for different pilot positions and the qualities and skills employers look for when hiring. By better understanding these factors, student pilots can make more informed decisions about their training and career paths. As a result, they can position themselves to be more competitive and successful in the industry. 


Networking is an excellent way for pilots in training to learn from other's experiences and gain valuable advice and information about the aviation industry. By connecting with experienced pilots, aviation professionals, and other pilots in training, student pilots can exchange information about training and certification, gain insights into best practices and tips for success, and learn about the latest industry news and trends. Pilots can also gain access to educational resources and training opportunities that student pilots might not have otherwise known about. By connecting with other pilots and aviation professionals, student pilots can participate in mock interviews and receive critiques of their flying skills, helping them to improve and prepare for the challenges of their future careers. 


As pilots progress through their training, they need a supportive community that can motivate them throughout their training and career development. By connecting with other pilots, industry professionals, and mentors, student pilots can find a community of like-minded individuals who understand the challenges and rewards of pursuing an aviation career. Networking can provide a sense of camaraderie and belonging that can be crucial in helping student pilots to stay motivated and focused on their goals, even when facing setbacks or challenges. Moreover, networking can offer access to resources and advice that can help student pilots to navigate the complexities of training and certification, as well as the job market and career development opportunities. Finally, by building relationships with experienced pilots and industry professionals, student pilots can gain access to valuable knowledge, skills, and advice. In addition, they can benefit from the wisdom and experience of those who have already succeeded in the field.


Similarly to gaining insight, pilots in training need to build connections and expand their professional network within the aviation industry. By connecting with other pilots, industry professionals, and mentors, student pilots can develop their knowledge, skills, and opportunities and build relationships that can lead to future career prospects. Networking can help pilots in training connect with potential employers and recruiters and with other pilots who may offer insights and advice about job openings and career development opportunities. By attending industry events, joining professional organizations, and participating in online communities or forums, student pilots can connect with various individuals and organizations within the aviation industry, opening up new possibilities for their future careers.

Networking can also provide opportunities for collaboration and partnership with other pilots and aviation professionals. By building relationships with individuals with similar interests and goals, student pilots can find opportunities to cooperate on projects, share resources and knowledge, and collaborate on new ideas and innovations within the field.


How does Hillsboro Aero Academy support networking opportunities? 

At Hillsboro Aero Academy, we recognize the significance of fostering strong relationships within the aviation industry and offering comprehensive support to our students. Our placement assistance services equip students with the essential tools to find employment after flight school, including resume writing help, interview preparation, employment postings, career advice, and referrals to known sources of employment.

Most of our students begin as Certified Flight Instructors (CFI), which enables them to acquire the flight hours required to advance in their profession, we employ a considerable number of our alumni as CFIs. While we cannot guarantee employment for all graduates, we maintain relationships with other operators and can provide suggestions and introductions if they prefer to launch their careers elsewhere.

Furthermore, we have an extensive worldwide network of pilots and collaborate with numerous aviation organizations to offer our students and flight instructors opportunities to network and gain insight into the aviation industry. We also host on-campus events and presentations, bringing in industry experts and organizations to share their knowledge and expertise with our students.

We recently had the honor of hosting informative presentations by Empire Airlines and PlaneSense Inc. at our Hillsboro Campus, showcasing exciting career opportunities within the aviation industry.

Empire Airlines' representatives generously shared valuable insights and career information about the fulfilling profession of cargo piloting. Our students were captivated by the team's depth of knowledge and expertise and were able to glean invaluable tips on how to excel in this highly competitive field.

Furthermore, our students also benefited greatly from the insights shared by PlaneSense Inc. as they provided valuable information about their fractional aircraft company and growing turboprop and jet aircraft fleet. This event proved to be an excellent opportunity for our students to network with Chief Pilots and potentially open doors to future careers.

We are excited to announce that Air Wisconsin, a regional airline based in Appleton, Wisconsin, will be joining us next month, further adding to the dynamic lineup of industry experts sharing their knowledge and insights with our students.

We look forward to continuing to offer our students valuable opportunities to learn and connect with professionals in the aviation industry.


Overall, we believe that networking is a crucial tool for aspiring pilots looking to build connections, expand their network, and position themselves for future success in the aviation industry. By connecting with others and building relationships within the industry, student pilots can gain access to a broad range of opportunities, insights, and resources that can help them achieve their goals and advance their careers.