Helicopter Innovation & Pilot Demand Go Hand in Hand

For all of you helicopter enthusiasts out there, you have to check out this article by Daniel Bachmann entitled “5 Innovative New Helicopters That Are Coming to the Skies.” He breaks down of the newest innovations in helicopter design with a couple of them scheduled for FAA certification later this year. While some may be surprised by these new innovations, these manufacturers are working to push the limits and improve range, increase speed, and expand comfort in the cabin by reducing noise and vibrations. The five helicopters featured in this article are:

  1. Bell 525
  2. Leonardo AW609
  3. Airbus ACH160
  4. Hill HX50
  5. Leonardo Kopter SH09

The article does an excellent job of breaking down the key features of each of these aircraft and what makes them unique. Once you have checked out this article, let us know in the comments which of these helicopters you are most excited about and why. I am curious to see what features are helicopters lovers interested in.

It’s exciting to see so much innovation from manufacturers who are constantly working to improve aircraft and meet customer demands. Innovation drives growth which is a good sign for the helicopter industry which has faced its struggles during the COVID-19 pandemic. As people get ready to take to the skies again, these manufacturers want to ensure people are able to in a cutting-edge design.

The Boeing Pilot and Technician Outlook projects that 158,000 new pilots will be needed worldwide in the business aviation and civil helicopter segment over the next 20 years, and 79,000 of those will be needed right here in North America. This is a very positive projection for those considering a career as a helicopter pilot or those currently taking helicopter flight lessons. The industry is in need of qualified, well-trained professional pilots and as our recent blog posts have shown there are a number of segments in the helicopter industry that are growing or poised for strong growth such as search and rescue, emergency management services, and windfarm support.

For those of you helicopter lovers out there who think this might be a good career path for you, now’s the time to learn more. There are strong projections for the future demand of pilots and there will be some really cool aircraft out there to fly in the not-too-distant future. Now’s the time to get into the cockpit and take the controls of your career. We are here to help answer questions, talk about your goals, or give you specific information on helicopter flight lessons. Contact us today at 503.726.3000 or info@flyhaa.com.