The Heli Academy Podcast - It's Getting Warm Outside

In this episode, Eric Doughtie, Helicopter Chief Instructor, and Jared Friend, Director of Helicopter Operations, discuss how warmer weather can affect helicopters and training. Tune in for valuable tips and tricks to help you stay cool, safe, and successful.



Jared Friend
Hey guys Jared Friend here, sitting with-

29 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Eric Doughtie Chief instructor for Hillsboro Heli.

33 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, it's starting to warm outside Sunshine's coming out and we're gonna be talking about what?

37 sec.


Eric Doughtie

We're gonna be talking about summer flying summer weather dealing with the heat and, uh, what that looks like for flight training.

40 sec.

Oh. that's awesome.

47 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, I mean, thankfully it doesn't get super hot here, right.

49 sec.

Uh, I mean the temperatures aren't quite as bad as a Arizona.

52 sec.

I think they're already up over 100 right now.

56 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, a lot of places in the South, I was talking to my family they're like, oh yeah, it's been 100 for over 100 degrees for three days, already and I'm like it's may.

1 min. 6 sec.


Jared Friend

Oh man.

1 min. 7 sec.


Eric Doughtie

It’s May come on.

1 min. 8 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, I actually heard a story that some of the flight schools down in Arizona actually during the summer I actually have to stop flight training by like eight in the morning because it's already over 40 degrees C.

1 min. 10 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Ah, that's tough, that's hard that's way too hot.

1 min. 22 sec.


Jared Friend

I mean, we get rain, but we can still flying in the rain, but man having to stop light flying at 8 o'clock in the morning.

1 min. 27 sec.

I mean, do your shoes melt on the tarmac when it’s that hot?

1 min. 35 sec.


Eric Doughtie

The whole reason I moved up here to go to Hillsboro to start flight training was actually because Texas was like too too hot [laughter].

1 min. 39 sec.

I was like working outside for a couple summers and I was like I need to change a pace that I need. I need some cooler weather. Something bearable can't stand the heat like that it's hard.

1 min. 52 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, because we get, I mean, during the summer, how many times do we get over 40 degrees Celsius during the summer you think?

1 min. 56 sec.


Eric Doughtie

I mean, we had, we had a bad week. Last year, we'll be very unusually high, the temperatures and, uh, and it's funny. Anytime some unusual weather hits.

2 min. 16 sec.

Portland, everything shuts down like “don't go outside!” But no other than that I mean, we might get a couple weeks out of the year where we're up into the nineties.

2 min. 23 sec.

I mean, but 40 degrees? It's, not often. It really isn't it's nice.

2 min. 34 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, actually good, good summers around here. So, but I mean, it's still warm.

2 min. 37 sec.

We still need to protect ourselves we still need to. Uh, use caution for things like identity out too.

2 min. 44 sec.

So that's what we're gonna talk about today.

2 min. 44 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Yeah, absolutely yeah, there's a bunch of stuff really that every year.

2 min. 46 sec.

We're bringing backup, we're talking to to all the CFIs about and I think this is just a great opportunity to start a having that larger conversation with the students to because you know, they're looking out for themselves and they're making sure that they're safe to go fly and really that that starts with having a particular minded when we're dealing with those the heat in the summer summer months and uh, it I kinda talk to see if I as in it's about preparation right?

2 min. 50 sec.

You need to make sure that you're taking care of yourself. You need to make sure that you have plenty of water.

3 min. 21 sec.

You need to make sure that you have good food for the day that you're, you know, staying hydrated that, uh, that you're staying cool you're, not sitting at the sun baking. Putting sunscreen I mean, uh, whatever you need to do, but it's about taken care of yourself and making sure that you can make it through those long days because the great thing about summer.

3 min. 36 sec.

It's long flying days.

3 min. 45 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, we got a lot of opportunity a lot of daylight hours. Um, a lot more opportunity to go flying.

3 min. 51 sec.

Um, so yeah, uh, other than you know, drinking some water sunscreen, how can how can they protect themselves?

3 min. 53 sec.


Eric Doughtie

You know, it's about fatigue, right.

4 min. 1 sec.

It's about monitoring your own fatigue. It's about monitoring yourself and your body and making sure that you're operating on all cylinders, right?

4 min. 6 sec.

Uh, you know. And paying attention to yourself and how you're feeling, and put yourself in a position to be successful. So you know, I really harp on the CFIs I'm like, hey guys it's long days, right.

4 min. 23 sec.

And you need to pace yourself. You can't jump in and fly. You know, all the way up to your duty day of you know, potentially 14 hours you know, just because we're getting into the nice weather.

4 min. 34 sec.

You have to ease into that right.

4 min. 42 sec.

You have to make sure that you're taken care of yourself and you know, it's really easy to do when you're on a busy day then just all of a sudden you look up.

4 min. 44 sec.

It's four o'clock in the afternoon. You haven't even or drink anything all day and you're not safe to go fly and so.

4 min. 56 sec.

Taking care of yourself identifying that. Hey, maybe I'm done today. Maybe I'm you know, I'm toast I'm tired and fatigued.

5 min. 5 sec.

You know, my decision making isn’t where it needs to be. My reaction time isn't where it needs to be. And that is where we as pilots need to say no.

5 min. 15 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, yeah, and that's really hard um, on when it's, beautiful weather outside.

5 min. 21 sec.

I mean, you know, “beautiful weather”, right and you wanna make the most of it.

5 min. 27 sec.

That's a hard decision to say I'm actually, gonna be done for the day because I I don't feel at the top of my game.

5 min. 32 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Absolutely, absolutely.

5 min. 36 sec.

And I'll caution them and I think for the students as well if you're in a portion of your training where you're doing more advanced maneuvers and, um, you know off-airport's you're doing a bunch of auto rotations and stuff like that.

5 min. 37 sec.

Um, you know, I'll tell all the students, the same thing I tell the CFIs those flights need to happen in the morning.

5 min. 55 sec.

And personally. I love that six am flight. I know, it's early.

6 min. 2 sec.


Jared Friend

Isn’t it the best?

6 min. 3 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Oh. I know, it's early, but the winds are right? The air space is calm.

6 min. 4 sec.

Yeah, nobody - it's just you out there. You can go get it done. It’s really efficient.

6 min. 12 sec.

You got that little bit of cold crisp and that and that summer air still.

6 min. 12 sec.

Let me tell you there is no better time to go fly and do those types of maneuvers and yeah, like you said you're, the only one out there half the time.

6 min. 17 sec.

So, it's Awesome. It really is.

6 min. 24 sec.

Jared Friend

I used to love flying news helicopters I'd get here at four o'clock in the morning or 330 in the morning.

6 min. 30 sec.

And pre-flight get it going before the sun came out as soon as the sun came up.

6 min. 33 sec.

I was off the ground and oh man, that those were the most enjoyable flights.

6 min. 38 sec.

I think I've ever had a sometimes it was hard to keep my phone out of my hand to take pictures of the of the sunrise.

6 min. 43 sec.

Yeah, I probably shouldn't say that on this podcast.

6 min. 50 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Yeah, [laughter]. Yeah, no it's it's good.

6 min. 55 sec.

I mean, most helicopter jobs are starting before the sun comes up.

6 min. 55 sec.


Jared Friend

Oh yeah it’s true.

6 min. 58 sec.


Eric Doughtie

So if you when it's when the sun starts coming up, you know, we wanna start spinning rotors and start flying and so and I think that's really great.

6 min. 58 sec.

You know, there's a part of the day that are fantastic for IFR you know flights.

7 min. 11 sec.


Jared Friend

A little higher where it's cooler?

7 min. 16 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Absolutely. Cross country and all that kinda stuff.

7 min. 18 sec.

That that's great for that middle of the day. The heat of the day kind of weather.

7 min. 22 sec.

Um, but and then as you get into the evening, maybe got some some opportunity for some more maneuver based flying and all that kinda stuff.

7 min. 31 sec.

Um, you know, not saying there's, not things that you can do during the day.

7 min. 32 sec.

You know, depending on the temperature and all that kinda stuff.

7 min. 36 sec.

But that's what we recommend and it's really to make sure that we're doing the most you know, high risk, high fatiguing, you know, more strenuous activities. We're doing them not at the heat of the day.

7 min. 49 sec.

That's the biggest thing and then in the evening, you know if you got more left in the tank till the CFIs go for it right, but also they've been working all day.

8 min. 1 sec.

And so they need to, they need to really watch themselves and you know, I had it the other day. We've, we had it’s, not it's, not too bad it's gotten into the thirties.

8 min. 7 sec.

Once or twice over the last couple weeks, but you know, we're just breaking into summer and I had a CFI took a look at them and I said, wow, why, don't you walk with me for a second while I walk to my car and I said, are you or are you okay, he goes yeah, I'm a little tired and you know, I got a flight and you know, I'm flying all the way into the night and I said I think you shouldn't do that actually?

8 min. 10 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, um, and I love that I love that we can just, we can watch out for each other.

8 min. 33 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Yeah, absolutely. And I told him I told em straight up.

8 min. 39 sec.

I said you are more important to me then this then this flight. Yeah, right. And so I'd really appreciate it actually, if you went home and he said, Ah, yeah, I think you're, right.

8 min. 47 sec.

Um, and yeah, it is great. That we do that here, right. Because that's, what we should be doing in aviation, especially helicopters.

8 min. 56 sec.

I know it's easy not too, but at the end of the day like you know, tell the CFIs to tell the students were gonna get it done. That's, not the question.

9 min. 8 sec.


Jared Friend

Oh yeah, right.

9 min. 9 sec.


Eric Doughtie

And so we wanna put ourselves in a position to be successful.

9 min. 10 sec.


Jared Friend

That's good. Yeah, and I think that's important to remember to have the student's remember is here.

9 min. 17 sec.

Your CFI might say no, uh, it might be it might be you know the 3rd or 4th flight that they're doing in the day and it's and it's getting warm and you see it in their eyes and they might tell you I'm sorry.

9 min. 19 sec.

But this isn't gonna be the best time and uh, you know what it's just it’s part of aviation it's part of the learning experience actually, it's a good experience for them to to have somebody say no, uh, this isn't safe for me to continue it, especially in in the flight training environment, right.

9 min. 30 sec.

Like, um, it's totally different where you know, hands on every moment.

9 min. 51 sec.

A kind of flying and, uh, we gotta be at the top of the game.

9 min. 56 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Absolutely and I'll tell all the students when you if your CFI does that to you, you just remember for half a second you're gonna be there before you know, it it's gonna be along.

10 min. 1 sec.

So fast and uh, and I've had a couple CFIs that we've hired actually come around to me and tell me similar things like that and be like I'm doing the same thing that my instructor did.

10 min. 10 sec.

And, uh, you know, I love our staff. I love all of our CFIs they're amazing and they all they all have a slight hesitation when they when they need to cancel a flight or something like that because because you know, that's always hard.

10 min. 26 sec.

They wanna be there for the student and then they don't wanna let their students down and I so appreciate that.

10 min. 35 sec.

And then I've kind of taking it on as as my job to be like I really appreciate that.

10 min. 41 sec.

You feel that way, but hey look -

10 min. 46 sec.


Jared Friend

You get to be the bad cop.

10 min. 48 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Exactly, right? It’s like hey, look, I you know you as the CFI are my priority your student, your priority- you’re my priority and so just remember that like those are external pressures and, um, and I think that's a great exercise and a great, great learning experience for CFIS.

11 min. 10 sec.

And I think it is important as like you know, the management of an operation to encourage that.

11 min. 13 sec.

Um, because if your company is encouraging, you, uh to not cancel and to fly when your fatigued that's dangerous.

11 min. 18 sec.

That’s very dangerous.

11 min. 28 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, yeah, I’d wanna run from that type of company and you know to be honest, I've. I have worked for that type of company before obviously, not this one.

11 min. 34 sec.

Um, and it sucks. It's, it's a terrible environment and, um, you know, that's not that's, not the type of place that you want to be.

11 min. 40 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Yeah, you had a saying. I know you've told a couple of our alumni that I've left here, was it something about a box?

11 min. 49 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, so Matt Zuccaro, uh, the old the President of HAI actually wrote. He wrote a an article. You can still find it online I think.

12 min. 3 sec.

And he the article was the most important piece of equipment that a pilot can have. It was a cardboard box and he said you just keep the cardboard box under your desk and, uh, that way when you tell your boss.

12 min. 8 sec.

No it's, not safe to fly and they fire you. You can just pack all the stuff in your box and walk away.

12 min. 21 sec.


Eric Doughtie

That's great [laughter].

12 min. 24 sec.


Jared Friend

But you know, the the. is there like a be willing to make that hard a decision.

12 min. 25 sec.

Yeah, even when and again, we're talking about safety here. We're, not talking about, you know, I I just don't wanna go fly kinda thing.

12 min. 36 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Holding strong to your limits.

12 min. 37 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, that’s right. Yeah, and, uh. And you know, it's way better to try to find another helicopter job then.

12 min. 43 sec.

Yeah, then you know, have something tragic like not come home from that flight. That's the worst case scenario.

12 min. 54 sec.

So yeah, I've always. I've always thought of that. Uh, the article.

12 min. 58 sec.

That he wrote he you know, he was the one that, uh, and excuse, my language guys, but he was the one that had the shirts that at Heli Expo that everybody was wearing that said land the damn helicopter a you know, he's all about he was all about limits when he was alive.

13 min. 14 sec.

And just trying to push that on the industry and holding to your personal minimums and, um, you know, I I always appreciated that.

13 min. 19 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Yeah, absolutely yeah, and that's a big deal.

13 min. 24 sec.

I mean, it's it's a great way for us because the conditions when you start flying in in warmer weather are gonna be very they're gonna change it stuff happens fast right.

13 min. 27 sec.

A wind wind. You know, changes quick.

13 min. 44 sec.

You gotta be on your game, especially when you get in the heat of the day. Yeah, um, you know, you're doing off -airports up in the hills.

13 min. 48 sec.

That's technical flying. It really is yeah.

13 min. 55 sec.

And you know, it's a great learning experience as something that we're able to like offer a you know, without pushing temperatures that you know, way past 40 and all that kinda stuff, but we can kind of get that mountain flying environment with those local winds, especially in the with the connection and you know in the uneven heating of you know, those South facing Hills.

13 min. 56 sec.

It it's extremely technical and it's always a those hills are always a teacher right.

14 min. 15 sec.

You know, it's always gonna you know, as experience of an instructor as I am everytime.

14 min. 23 sec.

I go up in there. It's a little warm it's. Just you're always gonna be at the top of your game looking watching reading those hills and those winds and making sure. You're set up. Um, you know, and stay and safe and.

14 min. 43 sec.

You know, I'd say the same thing we can get those storms that kinda go come up over the Cascade or weather is just because it's hot doesn't mean.

14 min. 45 sec.

We don't have any weather right.

14 min. 52 sec.

Uh, it might get a little it might get a little turbulent.

14 min. 54 sec.

You know, you can get some you know, a little bit, gusty winds and then all of sudden, it's calm and you know, it just depends.

14 min. 57 sec.

It's, fantastic flying. But I think it really is important to understand that weather is gonna you know, come along side, but that heat and being prepared for that and talking to your CFI.

15 min. 6 sec.

And learning about those conditions and how things change, you know, that's that's an incredibly valuable part of a flying in the summer around here.

15 min. 16 sec.


Jared Friend

Um, yeah, so we have we actually have some company a limitation on it's like 180 degree a turning auto rotations and full down auto rotations.

15 min. 26 sec.

Um, and, uh, those limitations actually, uh, were spurred from an accident we had many years ago.

15 min. 42 sec.

Um, actually it happened right here out at Troutdale.

15 min. 44 sec.

Um, and, uh, it was gusty.

15 min. 47 sec.

It was hot. They did they were doing a turning out rotation and just sunk through it and weren't able to flare and ended up putting the skids on the taxi way.

15 min. 52 sec.

Everybody was okay.

15 min. 59 sec.

They ended up sliding off the side and the helicopter rolled over.

16 min.

And made a horrible mess. They were fine. Obviously.

16 min. 8 sec.

Um, which is great news. Ah, but we put some company minimums too.

16 min. 11 sec.

Um, so not only do we have a you know, we encourage people to have personal minimums, but we also have company minimums for that reason, right.

16 min. 15 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Absolutely yeah, so you know over 35 degrees we're, not gonna do any turning auto rotations.

16 min. 22 sec.

We're, not gonna do any full down or anything like that.

16 min. 27 sec.

Um, you know my limitations for full down is gonna be a little less than 35 degrees like I like those good conditions.

16 min. 30 sec.

I like, when that air really grabs you, but when you get those really hot surfaces at the airport. Yeah, sinking through maneuvers.

16 min. 43 sec.

Is is a big risk. That I'm always thinking about.

16 min. 47 sec.

So I mean, even on approaches, you can feel your self starting to sink in and if you're doing an auto rotation and you're getting down below 200 feet and your sinking and your flaring you're stinking that's a really bad feeling so that's.

16 min. 48 sec.

Why we have those limitations? You know, and we also have density altered limitations to because you know, 2000 feet up in the Hills.

17 min. 3 sec.

Can get up at high DA is pretty quick, especially when you get South Hill and the surface is sometimes a lot warmer than then the air around it.

17 min. 9 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, even if you're not over you know, asphalt or something like that.

17 min. 22 sec.

Even even just the Hills that the surface of the Hills.

17 min. 26 sec.

It's gonna be drastically increase in temperature, especially if it's sun facing

17 min. 29 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Exactly and so all of a sudden, you're getting you're getting close to that spot and you start sinking into that spot and it's a bad feeling it's, something.

17 min. 33 sec.

You need to be a head of you need to be thinking about you'd be paying attention to and making sure you know the R22 and R44.

17 min. 40 sec.

Are absolutely wonderful platforms, right.

17 min. 48 sec.

Yeah. But we also need to understand that we're in the flight training environment.

17 min. 54 sec.

We don't need to take in educational experience in making an emergency right.

17 min. 59 sec.

Um, you know, it's important that we set ourselves up for success and you know, if the conditions are we're constantly fighting the conditions.

18 min. 6 sec.

All the way down then maybe this isn't the platform or the situation or the the conditions that we need to be performing the this maneuver in and I've done.

18 min. 14 sec.

This several times you know.

18 min. 24 sec.

In my instructional career where I've taken a student out and it's been really bumpy and I think the most valuable thing that they can take away and I've had a couple instructors.

18 min. 25 sec.

I've taken them out for you know, off airport flights. And they just tell me, they said, Hey, look, I just don't think the conditions our conducive for this and I said, I'm so proud of you.

18 min. 46 sec.

That's. What that's what I want right?

18 min. 49 sec.

I had one guy and he goes “I just don't think the R 22 is just there's just right for what we're trying to do here

18 min. 54 sec.

And the conditions. And the heat and the winds are weird” and I said, that's amazing yeah, because.

18 min. 56 sec.

You know, it you know, we, we gotta saying you know, you know, if you're riding the line and it might be okay until it's, not until it's not.

19 min. 3 sec.

Yeah, and then if you get yourself in a situation where it's not it's, not that's, not a good situation.

19 min. 13 sec.

We wanna stare and stay out of those right?

19 min. 18 sec.

And, um, and have an appropriate margin to have those personal limitations.

19 min. 19 sec.

So you know for us, we gotta density outside limitation of a 4000 feet for off -airport landings.

19 min. 29 sec.

Yeah, um, you know, I love winter weather.

19 min. 30 sec.

We'll probably do another show on what winter weather looks like.

19 min. 35 sec.

And I I love giving high risk to the commercial and CFI students and say, yeah, here here's a couple off-airport spots.

19 min. 40 sec.

Go to some landings about 4000 when the conditions are just off just beautiful for you right. In the summertime in the heat of the day.

19 min. 53 sec.

I I'm definitely not gonna give a high risk to anybody wanna go land above 4000 because yeah, it just it just gets really technical right you'll see that stuff in the morning.

19 min. 56 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, and I think you know, one of the things that used to catch me.

20 min. 7 sec.

Uh, when I was younger in my career was this idea where I'm like all the, you know if I go up in the mountains. It's gonna be a lot cooler.

20 min. 15 sec.

And and you know, it'll be it'll. Make it okay, you know, it's super hot here. And at the Airport, but I'm gonna go up into the mountains and the higher I go in the mountains then It's gonna be better.

20 min. 26 sec.

Uh, but uh, you know, that's that's not necessarily the case is it?

20 min. 27 sec.


Eric Doughtie

No, absolutely not you know a 10 knots, right down the pipe smooth great conditions here at the airport.

20 min. 31 sec.

I've had to get to get pretty turbulent.

20 min. 40 sec.

Uh, you know, ups in those Hills, especially with the South facing Hills and topography plays a big role local winds, man I'm still learning about local winds.

20 min. 42 sec.


Jared Friend

You know, I think I think everybody is until until the day they stop flying.

20 min. 56 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Exactly, exactly. So you know, it's it's great experience, but at the end of the day, we don't need to be putting ourselves in a situation where well, we're not gonna be successful or we're taking on a little bit too much.

20 min. 58 sec.

Risk and I think that's just what I encourage the staff and the students is is be like, Hey, I want you to learn these things.

21 min. 7 sec.

I want you to go experience these things, but I also want you to understand that you know, we're all in an environment where we're growing and we're learning.

21 min. 18 sec.

Give ourselves space to do that. Allow it to be an educational experience. Where maybe it doesn't terminate like our normal maneuvers?

21 min. 24 sec.

Do maybe we we start on orbit and we start an approach for an off airport and halfway down we say you know what this isn't this.

21 min. 34 sec.

You know, I'm getting close to my limits here and I have rules that I've set for myself and I need a hold of those and I need to go around and you know what I've learned something.

21 min. 37 sec.

Yep, I've learned about the conditions I've learned about the aircraft I've learned about winds and it's a positive educational experience. Yeah, and that.

21 min. 53 sec.

Is a successful flight in my book.

21 min. 57 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, I agree. I agree.

21 min. 59 sec.

Alright, so we're gonna probably, uh, actually the people are already starting to take the the right door off.

Uh, if the students are brand new here. Maybe they've, never experienced the right door off yet.

22 min. 9 sec.

Uh, what things should they keep in mind when they when they're taking a door off for the heat?

22 min. 12 sec.


Eric Doughtie

I love taking doors off. I love flying doors off.

22 min. 18 sec.


22 min. 19 sec.

I love it. So much a big thing is if you have anything in your pocket. Take him out of pocket.

22 min. 25 sec.

Yeah, right, if you got cargo shorts or something like that or we were five elevens or some other pants for the CFIs. We say, Hey, you put in the zip pocket right.

22 min. 32 sec.

We don't want anything falling out of helicopter. Nothing loose or anything like that. Um, and that's that's really important, right for for doors off.

22 min. 39 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, lose objects for sure.

22 min. 43 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Exactly you got sunglasses on your face?

22 min. 44 sec.

If you stick your head out the door, you might not have some glasses on your face.

22 min. 46 sec.


Jared Friend

Yeah, so IFR flying we also do, we could take the right door off for IFR flying.

22 min. 57 sec.

Um, we don't.

22 min. 58 sec.

Uh, we don't allow hoods anymore during this time of year with the doors off.

23 min. 2 sec.

Yeah, it's gotta be foggles and you gotta have a lanyard. So that's company policy.

23 min. 7 sec.

Just because we won't we don't want those things. Flinging out the window.

23 min. 12 sec.



Eric Doughtie

Yep, and. Hopefully no one, listen to this feels to singled out, but we've had it happen and we've had it happened.

23 min. 16 sec.

Several times over several years and so we we just learned a lesson on that.

23 min. 20 sec.


Jared Friend

Yep, uh now someone might ask us a you know, I've seen that schools down in Arizona.

23 min. 23 sec.

They take the left or off as well.

23 min. 29 sec.

But we don't do that here right.

23 min. 31 sec.


Eric Doughtie

No, we don't.

23 min. 32 sec.

And you know that that just comes from the, you know, the recommendation from Robinson of like if you don't need to don't take that left door off because if anything does you know, happen to fly out and we make our best precautions, right.

23 min. 34 sec.

Uh, that that that doesn't happen, but in the off chance that it that it might something flying out that left side where that tail rotor spending is inherently more dangerous.

23 min. 49 sec.

Yeah, and so we keep that left door on a luckily for the students, a you know the instructors, sweating a little bit more than you, you are most flights, but you know, one door off is still a really really nice airflow really nice and it's a great view.

24 min.


Jared Friend

Oh man. I’m with you.

24 min. 19 sec.

I if I could fly door off all your around I would. I absolutely love it.

24 min. 23 sec.

Well, let's go ahead and just wrap up real quickly a some recommendations for hot weather.

24 min. 25 sec.

Fluids. Um, something cool. Taking breaks.

24 min. 35 sec.

What else, uh in in recap?

24 min. 36 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Cross country is to the coast.

24 min. 40 sec.

Oh yeah, there you cross country to the coast.

24 min. 42 sec.

It it's the best time to get out a go explore when the weather is really predictable and really really nice throughout the whole region, right.

24 min. 45 sec.

Uh, go to some really fun cross countries. Fly early in the day fly late in the evening.

24 min. 57 sec.

You and oh man, just just enjoy it.

25 min. 2 sec.

Now is the time start burning those hours.

25 min. 4 sec.