The Heli Podcast - Using CPT and OPT During Your Training

In this episode, Kimberly Whipps, our Troutdale Campus Manager, and Eric Doughtie, our Helicopter Chief Instructor dive into the details of Curricular Practical Training (CPT) and Optional Practical Training (OPT). Kimberly and Eric share invaluable insights on what you can expect after completing your training and how to leverage CPT and OPT to further your education while in the USA.


Eric Doughtie

Hey guys, this is Eric Doughtie

30 sec.

Chief Instructor for Hillsboro Heli Academy and I'm here with Kimberly Whipps, our Campus Manager and today, we're gonna talk to you about a little bit about your visa. A little bit about your CPT and OPT today.

41 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

Yes, that's correct.

44 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Awesome, so Kimberly, I guess the best way to start out is what in the world is CPT?

45 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

CPT is Curricular Practical Training.

51 sec.

It is the last course before you graduate.

54 sec.

The nice thing is that in that course.

58 sec.

You could be here at this school.

1 min.

Uh, being trained in how to be a CFI and then working as a CFI or you could be at another school.

1 min. 2 sec.

So it doesn't have to be done here at the school, but it is still technically the last course of your training before you graduate.

1 min. 8 sec.


Eric Doughtie

So according to the government, I mean, based on how the visa work.

1 min. 15 sec.

Let me just make sure I understand it's.

1 min. 19 sec.

It really is actually working as an instructor as a professional pilot is part of the professional pilot program for the government.

1 min. 20 sec.

So government wants you guys to get out there start working.

1 min. 29 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

Yes and they want you to be trained and to be a CFI it's considered part of your training.

1 min. 36 sec.

Yeah, yeah, and the great thing is that you could do it.

1 min. 39 sec.


1 min. 42 sec.

But you can also do it paid.

1 min. 42 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Which will make sure.

1 min. 44 sec.

Your flight school is paying you- everyone.

1 min. 46 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

Yeah, [laughter].

1 min. 48 sec.

Yes, it's a very good thing.

1 min. 49 sec.

It's a good thing to get paid for it. So yeah, so that's the basic of what CPT is

1 min. 50 sec.


Eric Doughtie

So okay, so you have an individual they're going through their training they're finishing up their CFI they're getting into their CFII. What do they need to start thinking about.

2 min. 5 sec.

Um, when did they need to come talk to you?

2 min. 7 sec.

What was the process there?

2 min. 9 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

Okay, so the first thing is when you're getting near the end of CFI you're gonna sign up for one of my CPT and OPT classes. I offer about every two months.

2 min. 11 sec.

Kinda depending on how quickly we have students that are coming towards the end of their CFI that's when I think it's probably time to do another one of these, um, and we go through all this stuff in detail and I'm there to answer questions.

2 min. 27 sec.

And you get to leave with worksheets that you will take with you because there's information very important information that you're gonna need further down the road towards the end of CPT and things like that.

2 min. 32 sec.

Um, so that would be the first thing to do. It's a to come to the class, but basically what happens is when you finish your CFI and you finish your or well, actually when you finish your CFI you're gonna start looking for that position whether it's here at HAA or if you're gonna be a working for another school.

2 min. 42 sec.

Um, and then during that time you can also doing your CFII with us a then when you get that other position.

3 min. 2 sec.

They're gonna give you a job offer letter and that starts the whole paperwork process.

3 min. 9 sec.

Um, and I'm gonna give you a list of things that you're gonna need to make sure that you have in place.

3 min. 13 sec.

So that you're working legally and then while you're doing that you're still considered our student.

3 min. 17 sec.

So you're still on our I-20, um, you still have to check in with me regularly.

3 min. 21 sec.

So you won’t get away from me quite yet.

3 min. 27 sec.


Eric Doughtie

So. You know, I think it's funny because you finally graduate from that.

3 min. 31 sec.

CF I course right and the first thing that I tell everybody is “here comes the paperwork”, right.

3 min. 35 sec.

CFIs when they first start out, they under estimate, how much paperwork, [laughter]

3 min. 42 sec.

Uh, that they actually need to do for this job and the documentation that we need to do as pilots.

3 min. 46 sec.

Uh, it sounds like CPT is the perfect introduction for that.

3 min. 51 sec.

It’s like we need to fill out some forms and get you- get you in the workforce, but that's really great.

3 min. 55 sec.

I love that you know.

4 min. 2 sec.

CPT is a continued education thing, right?

4 min. 4 sec.


4 min. 10 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

Oh speaking of which. I just remembered the last thing I forgot. It is continued education and since it is you are considered our student.

4 min. 13 sec.

You still have to maintain visa status. Um, and so basically that again that is checking in with me.

4 min. 21 sec.

It's updating your address with me. All those things you have to do as a student.

4 min. 25 sec.

You have to do while you're on CPT. See, I knew it would come back around.

4 min. 29 sec.


Eric Doughtie

You know, when you finally break out in the industry in your CFI in that first job, right.

4 min. 35 sec.

It's, you know, our CFI course, really teaches you those fundamentals of how to instruct, right in where to go from there, but you're really there without that instructional experience.

4 min. 46 sec.

You know, and so actually sitting in there with the student and getting real world experience of all these principles and theories that we've talked you really just kind of consolidates.

4 min. 57 sec.

All that knowledge and I love the first year of CFIs careers because the growth in them as Pilots, as Instructors, and personally as well is super exponential and they come out of it just really really wonderful examples of the type of pilot that we're putting out in the industry.

5 min. 30 sec.

So this is. That's, honestly my favorite season and developing and working with those CFIs is one of my favorite parts of being in my job right.

5 min. 35 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

Yeah, that's awesome.

5 min. 41 sec.

Yeah, and the great thing is too.

5 min. 42 sec.

Is all the while they’re doing all those things, they’re are putting hours in their logbook [laughter].

5 min. 47 sec.

Kind of the point of it all.

5 min. 48 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Yeah, and it goes go fast.

5 min. 52 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

Yeah it does.

5 min. 55 sec.

Oh my goodness.

5 min. 55 sec.

I just was looking at the list of people who are currently on CPT and because when you finish CPT then you're gonna move into OPT and you get an email from me saying.

5 min. 56 sec.

Hey, it's almost time to apply for OPT. I was looking to list today and I'm like how is it possible.

6 min. 4 sec.

It's already time for these guys to apply for OPT because I feel like they just started.

6 min. 8 sec.

Um, but yeah, it does it goes really fast.

6 min. 13 sec.

It seems like two years is a long period of time, but it goes pretty fast.

6 min. 14 sec.


Eric Doughtie

It goes pretty fast.

6 min. 18 sec.

Okay, so that's a segway.

6 min. 19 sec.

Actually, because I know there's some really important things to think about when you start transitioning from CPT to OPT and there's some areas where you know, people can make mistakes.

6 min. 29 sec.

And those aren't mistakes that we, we want individuals making.

6 min. 33 sec.

So talk to a little bit about that process.

6 min. 36 sec.

Say we're coming up on that into that first year of CPT and we're about to get into OPT.

6 min. 39 sec.

What do you advise the student to really start thinking about.

6 min. 44 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

Okay, so first of all we talk about CPT as being a year.

6 min. 48 sec.

Technically, we only give you 11.5 months of CPT because if you do a full year, you are not qualified for OPT.

6 min. 51 sec.

So by cutting CPT by two weeks.

6 min. 59 sec.

You qualify for another full year.

7 min. 2 sec.

The difference here is that in when you're on CPT you are still our student you're on our I-20.

7 min. 4 sec.

Um, you're considered not yet graduated when you finish CPT that's you technically graduate.

7 min. 12 sec.

And you apply for OPT, which is Optional Practical Training and that is done under, um, the government's watch basically.

7 min. 15 sec.

So you're gonna apply with USCIS for your OPT you get an employment authorization card.

7 min. 25 sec.

You are legally working in the United States.

7 min. 31 sec.

You’re not a student anymore.

7 min. 33 sec.

You're just here able to work for one year.

7 min. 34 sec.

So those are the two that's kind of the big difference between the two.

7 min. 37 sec.

With OPT I think the thing that I stress the most in the class is what I actually just recently called dubbed the insanity timeline.

7 min. 41 sec.

You- it is so frustrating how I mean, it's government stuff.

7 min. 54 sec.

So it nothing's gonna make a lot of sense, but there are these hard and fast specific dates.

7 min. 56 sec.

You can't apply until this date and then you have to apply within this range and if you apply you know, one day after you are automatically denied and then they send the card, but you don't have it yet.

8 min. 2 sec.

And there's just all this stuff.

8 min. 12 sec.

So I just recently laid it all out on this timeline and I put it in the worksheet because this is the kind of stuff that you need to follow very carefully.

8 min. 13 sec.

There's all these little things It's like you have one week to do this and then you only have seven days that's, the same thing, a week and seven days, but all these little things that can just throw people off and so I think that is the hardest thing about OPT. It’s just making sure that when you apply that you're doing it correctly within their timeline and following all these little rules that they have.

8 min. 23 sec.

And the more we do it the more, you know, we learn how to help students get through it because I mean, we have students that survive it every year.

8 min. 43 sec.

So it's, great. But it is a little bit of a hassle at the beginning for sure.

8 min. 50 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Yeah, absolutely absolutely well thankfully they you to help them through that process in the class and be very specific on it because you know we don't want anybody getting in trouble with any visa stuff.

8 min. 54 sec.

Exactly we want them to to be able to work in in the US and build as many hours as they possibly can and get all out of this opportunity experience that that they're offered on that on that visa.

9 min. 8 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

Yes and so when students come up to OPT it’s a time where I’m again, I get to reach out.

9 min. 25 sec.

You still aren't rid of me yet.

9 min. 26 sec.

I I get to reach out to him and still take stay in touch and walk him through the OPT process it's, not something that as a DSO that I can do for the students because it is between the student and the government, but we help as much as we can with that.

9 min. 28 sec.


Eric Doughtie

So Kimberly you've been in this position.

9 min. 40 sec.

You've been helping students.

9 min. 42 sec.

Do this for several years now?

9 min. 43 sec.

What are the most common questions that you get about CPT and OPT?

9 min. 45 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

Um, I think the most common.

9 min. 51 sec.

Well with CPT the most common is how long do I have before I have to find a job.

9 min. 56 sec.

Um, because people are you know, they're finishing CFI they're exhausted and they wanna know can I take a break? Really you can't because CPT is the next course, you're you're next and that final course, you basically have to start it right away.

9 min. 58 sec.

So there's about a two to three week window.

10 min. 12 sec.

That you really need to find a job.

10 min. 14 sec.

Um, if they're taking CFII with us then that gives just a little more of a cushion.

10 min. 16 sec.

Um, but really two to three weeks.

10 min. 21 sec.

Um, a lot of people will say well, I thought I had 60 days once no, the 60 days is once your I-20 ends.

10 min. 24 sec.

You have 60 days to leave the country.

10 min. 30 sec.

Um, not to find a job.

10 min. 33 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Yeah and we don’t want them leaving the country.

10 min. 35 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

No we don't want them to leave the country.

10 min. 36 sec.

Um, and then I think let's see on CPT another question.

10 min. 38 sec.

I get asked on both CPT and OPT is what if I need to go home.

10 min. 42 sec.

Can I take a vacation?

10 min. 46 sec.

You can take a vacation on both of course, you need to talk to your employer at that point.

10 min. 47 sec.

Um, you're allowed to take vacation, but your CPT and OPT do not pause while you're on vacation.

10 min. 52 sec.

So you have 11.5 months of CPT and you decide to go home for a month and a half now, you only have 10 months.

10 min. 58 sec.

Um, because there it doesn't pause your timeline.

11 min. 3 sec.

So, um, and then another thing is we have seen just recently with people leaving the country.

11 min. 6 sec.

Um, on CPT and OPT um, sometimes you get a cranky border guard, and they go.

11 min. 13 sec.

Yeah, you don't you don't need to come back.

11 min. 20 sec.

Um, so whenever people travel with CPT and OPT we highly recommend that they take.

11 min. 22 sec.

Um, you know, their I-20.

11 min. 29 sec.

Make obviously their password visa.

11 min. 31 sec.

Take your job offer letter.

11 min. 33 sec.

Take your pay stubs like any kind of proof that you can have just in case.

11 min. 34 sec.

Most people don’t have a problem, but just in case you get that one guy who was in a bad mood.

11 min. 40 sec.

Um, then you have proof that you have a job. You're coming back to a job.

11 min. 43 sec.

Um, you're legally here. You know, all that.

11 min. 50 sec.


Eric Doughtie

So any- with the vacations, just kind of a follow up with you.

11 min. 56 sec.

Is there any, I guess, season during OPT maybe that transition where you would say.

12 min. 1 sec.

Hey, don't plan to do a vacation when you're in the OPT application problem is there any is there any like a is there any like risky times where students probably should not leave the country while on CPT and OPT.

12 min. 4 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

Yeah, I would not leave between CPT and OPT. A lot of people want to because it seems like natural break.

12 min. 20 sec.

Yeah, you know while you're waiting for your OPT to be approved, but you're waiting for your to be approved.

12 min. 26 sec.

If you if you Google it. Yeah, it's legal.

12 min. 33 sec.

You can, but you're leaving the country without the things in hand that you know, you might need to get back in.

12 min. 34 sec.

So I always tell students when they ask I wouldn't chance it. I wouldn't travel during that time.

12 min. 46 sec.

Um, travel when you're established in one or the other, but not in between.

12 min. 49 sec.


Eric Doughtie

So maybe to not make this sounds super scary for students because it's really not that scary.

12 min. 54 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

It's, not. And it’s very few cases.

12 min. 59 sec.

We we, I think we had one student in Hillsboro that was turned away at CPT and that's it.

13 min. 1 sec.

But you know, if you Google it.

13 min. 7 sec.

It's like Googling, your symptoms.

13 min. 9 sec.

Yeah, there's always gonna be some people that got turned away from the border.

13 min. 10 sec.


Eric Doughtie

Yeah, Ah, but thankfully, we have you as a resource for any questions.

13 min. 14 sec.

Any help if there are any hiccups in the process.

13 min. 18 sec.

So thank you for that.

13 min. 21 sec.

Absolutely, um, and you know, I guess I wanna comment a little bit on a those couple weeks that you have to find the job between finishing your CFI training and starting that CPT class or training.

13 min. 33 sec.

You know it seems like a small window of time, but over the last three years we have 100% replacement right.

13 min. 38 sec.

And so I always sympathize with those those feelings of like stress anxiety that.

13 min. 46 sec.

Oh. no, I need to make phone calls, but the industry knows who we are here at Hillsboro Heli and you know, talk to you talk to your CFI instructors, right.

13 min. 52 sec.

They have a, they have a list of schools that are you know, we get calls on a regular basis of schools looking for our graduates, our candidates and they, they wanna put you guys to work and so, uh, if you're ever in doubt or you're a little nervous about it or something like that.

14 min. 1 sec.

Go talk to one of those.

14 min. 19 sec.

See if I instructors and they have that list that we were constantly building and put people on there taking phone calls about a to make sure that that transition is as seamless as possible.

14 min. 21 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

Yeah, I know it seems daunting, but we've, never had somebody not get a job.

14 min. 33 sec.

Um, and most of them come back with a couple options.

14 min. 40 sec.

And they get to take their pick.

14 min. 44 sec.


Eric Doughtie


14 min. 45 sec.

Well awesome Kimberly, thank you so much for playing such a pivotal role in this whole process.

14 min. 49 sec.

And being there for the students and being able to answer these questions.

14 min. 55 sec.

Uh, it's wonderful.

14 min. 59 sec.

We appreciate everything that you do so thanks for sharing this with us today.

14 min. 59 sec.


Kimberly Whipps

Absolutely, thank you.