Understanding Helicopter Ratings: the Private Pilot Certificate
For all of you helicopter enthusiasts out there, you have to check out this article by Daniel Bachmann entitled “5 Innovative New Helicopters That Are Coming to the Skies.” He breaks down of the[…]
As we focus this month on helicopter industry news, something we are seeing more of is the use of helicopters to support wind turbine operations. Helicopters provide vital support in a number of[…]
In the News: Cargo Drones and the Future of Air Transport Pilots (ATP)
Helicopter Emergency Management Services in the News
If you read last week’s helicopter blog, then it won’t come as a surprise that I am going to focus on helicopter in the news again this week.
In the News: Air Travel Recovery and the Global Pilot Shortage
How Helicopters Can Be Used in Critical Situations
As we know, helicopters can provide numerous services from search and rescue to aerial firefighting to external load operations. I came upon an article recently called “Could helicopters solve the[…]
Expanded Partnership with Meritize
If you are an aspiring pilot, then you know that the cost of flight training can be a hurdle to pursuing the aviation dream. We at Hillsboro Aero Academy want to make sure our students have options.[…]