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Can a Woman Be a Pilot? Why Women Should Pursue Their Pilot Career

Quick answer: Yes, women can be pilots, and they have been flying powered aircraft since 1908. However, prior to 1970, most women were limited to support roles or private aviation. In 1973, the US[…]

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Pilot License Types and What They Mean

Pilot licenses, or more correctly titled certifications, are issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to pilots who have completed the required flight and ground hours for a rating as well[…]

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Announcing our exclusive partnership with Alaska Airlines to launch Ascend Pilot Academy

We at Hillsboro Aero Academy are thrilled to announce our new partnership with Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air to form the Ascend Pilot Academy (APA) program.

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Skills Needed To Be a Helicopter Pilot

What special skills does a helicopter pilot need?Just like job requirements that help ensure applicants are a good fit for the position, there are special skills required in order to become a[…]

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How To Become A Helicopter Pilot: A Complete Guide

Are you ready to consider a career as a commercial helicopter pilot? This is a career path many people ponder but often consider it too difficult to achieve. The first question our admissions team[…]

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How Long Does Helicopter Pilot Training Take?

So, you’ve decided you’re interested in a helicopter career. Like you, prospective helicopter pilots from around the world took interest in Hillsboro Heli Academy and chose us to help them pursue[…]

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Helicopter Pilot Training School: Everything You Need to Know

The path to becoming a professional helicopter pilot is a mystery to many people so let me break it down for you and answer some of our most frequently asked questions about helicopter flight[…]

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Remembering our Friend and Teacher Satoru "SK" Kamoshita

We at Hillsboro Aero Academy are mourning the sudden loss of our dear friend, colleague, mentor, and teacher Satoru Kamoshita, known to all of us as “SK.” He had been with our school for 24 years but[…]

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Which flight course and flight school are right for you?

As you begin your search for the right flight academy, many people wonder which flight course is best to help them achieve their goals and which flight school will best support those goals. These are[…]

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How Long Does it Take to Become a Pilot?

When deciding on a new or first-time career path, all of us have faced a moment of truth, when our dreams need to be tethered to some tough questions: How many years will it take to build my career?[…]

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