In the final installment of our series explaining the ratings required to become a professional pilot, we will focus on the certified flight instructor ratings. The initial Certified Flight[…]
We're up to the third installment of our May series on the individual ratings in our professional pilot courses , and we're ready to talk about the big dog: the Commercial Pilot Certificate.[…]
This week’s installment of Understanding Airplane Ratings focuses on the rating you probably hear the most about and that people are most familiar with, the Commercial Pilot Certificate. This is the[…]
Announcing Complete Airplane Pro Pilot Training on a New 12-Month Timeline
By Eric Anderson
2021 |
Today we announced our new Accelerated pacing, which gives students in our Airplane Professional Pilot program the opportunity to complete the entire program of pilot classes , inclusive of all[…]
Ömer is a helicopter student at our Troutdale Campus who is constantly going above and beyond to help other students around him feel more welcome and comfortable. He even organizes group study[…]
So now that we covered the first part of the Professional Pilot Program curriculum last week when we discussed the Private Pilot Certificate, let’s move onto the next step in our aviation training[…]
Welcome to the second installment of our May series on understanding the ratings and certificates that make up helicopter pilot education under FAA rules. This week's focus is the Helicopter[…]
This month we are going to break down all of the ratings and certificates needed to become a professional airplane pilot. When prospective students contact our school with questions about the[…]
Understanding Helicopter Ratings: the Private Pilot Certificate
By Eric Anderson
2021 |
In this month's blog series, we're focusing on individual ratings and certificates in flight training -- helping you understand what they can be used for and what the training entails. For […]
If you needed any more proof that air travel demand is surging back after COVID -- if the forecasts and the TSA traveler count weren't enough to convince you -- then the launch of a new regional[…]