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Five Instagram Helicopter Pilots Worth Following

If you had to invent a social media platform just for helicopter pilots, you’d probably come up with something pretty close to Instagram. After all, Instagram and its adherents strongly favor[…]

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COVID-19's Impact on Airline Pilot Demand

As the Talent Acquisition Manager for Hillsboro Aero Academy, I can attest to the current competitive market. Pre-pandemic, the industry was booming with pilot jobs in every sector and the shortage[…]

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Helicopter Industry Partner Profile --ADAC Luftrettung

Last week I wrote about how the versatility of the helicopter industry helps to create new career opportunities even when a disruption like COVID-19 hinders other industries. The best example of this[…]

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How to Move From the Cabin to the Cockpit?

While COVID has slowed the demand for airline pilots, this delay has not affected the long-term projections for commercial pilots needed over the next 20 years. The Boeing Pilot and Technician[…]

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COVID-19's Impact on Helicopter Pilot Careers

Any professional helicopter pilot will tell you that versatility is a big part of the appeal of helicopter flight. Versatility applies not only to the aircraft’s unique flight capabilities -- with[…]

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Student Profile - Meet Hyeonwung Cho

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HAA achieves CAAV certification, welcomes Vietnamese cadets

We're proud of the fact that we're an international flight school, with alumni from 55+ countries. Flying is, after all, a global adventure, so each new group of international students adds to and[…]

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Student of Excellence Award Winner Christoph Erber - Community

Originally from a small village in Austria, Christoph joined Hillsboro Heli Academy in September 2020 to fulfil his dream of becoming a professional helicopter pilot.

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A Note on Perseverance

I am sitting at my computer today listening to what we in the heli biz call ‘continuous precipitation’ (oft associated with stable air masses), coming in mostly gentle waves like rhythmic ocean tides[…]

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Student Profile - Meet Joel Tiess

Joel Tiess is a helicopter student who came all the way from Germany to join our training program. See what he has to say about his dream job and why he selected Hillsboro for his training.

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