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CFI Experience Video: Will Mauk

Will Mauk recently joined the team at Hillsboro Aero Aacdemy as a CFI. He relocated to Oregon to gain some valuable weather experience and hone his skills in real weather conditions. During his first[…]

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Brand Experience Video: Trent Vick

Trent Vick, 2017 Appareo Pilot of the Year Award recipient, first dreamed of becoming a helicopter pilot after seeing an emergency medical services (EMS) helicopter at a high school event. This[…]

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Brand Experience Video: Kaiting Jan

Kaiting Jan’s long-time dream of flying came to fruition at Hillsboro Aero Academy where she is currently a student. She completed her Commercial Pilot Certificate and is working on Certified Flight[…]

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Brand Experience Video: Brett Schnirring

We are delighted to release the first of a series of Brand Experience videos. Brett Schnirring, a US military veteran and helicopter pilot, talks passionately about his experience as a student at[…]

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Hillsboro Aero Academy Student Recreates Historic 1936 Flight

Catheline (Kate) Leoni a fixed-wing student at Hillsboro Aero Academy recreated a historic 1936 flight from England to New Zealand in a Douglas DC3 in 2012.

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Celebrating Success: Bryan Jeffers

Helicopter Foundation International’s 2017 Michelle North Scholarship for Safety Award has been presented to Bryan Jeffers, Hillsboro Aero Academy’s Helicopter Assistant Chief Instructor.

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Employee of the Month Phil Haupt

It’s time to announce our Employee of the Month. This award is given every month to an HAA employee who goes above and beyond his or her normal job duties demonstrating one of our core values – yes[…]

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Celebrating Success: Trent Vick

Hillsboro Aero Academy is pleased to recognize one of its own for winning the 2017 Appareo Pilot of the Year Award. This award, presented by Helicopter Association International, is given to an[…]

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