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Hillsboro Heli Featured on Rotary Wing Show

Curious about the helicopter job market in the US right now? It's a hot topic of discussion for those in the industry and those considering a career as a helicopter pilot.

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Student Profile - Meet Daniel Morkel

Daniel came from from Australia to join HAA in 2018 and is working on his professional pilot training. Read more about his experience at Hillsboro. 
  1. Why do you want to be a pilot and what’s your[…]
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Where Did the Idea of Helicopters Come From? Who Invented the Helicopter?

In the modern age, we take for granted many amazing feats of mechanical ingenuity accomplished by inventors in the past. One of these great inventions is the helicopter. But where did the idea of[…]

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Flight Training Tips for the Helicopter Student Pilot

As a pilot-in-training, there are a lot of educational aspects to stay on top of so you can advance your knowledge and skills efficiently and correctly. At this stage in your development, proactivity[…]

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Different Career Paths for Helicopter Pilots

If you ever considered becoming a helicopter pilot, then you are probably curious about what kinds of jobs you can end up doing after you finish training. Although most everyone starts off the[…]

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Helicopter Pilot License Requirements

Becoming a helicopter pilot is uniquely rewarding, as it can open the pathway to many career opportunities in various industries. These opportunities can range from giving tours and teaching, to[…]

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Helicopter 101: How Do  Helicopters Fly?

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Student Profile - Meet Patrick Capek

Patrick joined moved from Michigan to Oregon in 2019 to join Hillsboro Heli Academy and is working on his professional pilot training. Read more about his experience at Hillsboro.

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Student Profile - Meet Hammad Khan

Hammad joined Hillsboro Aero Academy in 2018 from Pakistan and is working on completing the Professional Pilot Program. Read more about his experience at Hillsboro.

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5 Essential Safety Tips for Helicopter Pilots

Piloting a helicopter requires a coordinated combination of mental aptitude and physical skill. With so many factors influencing the outcome of a flight, helicopter pilots must prepare and focus[…]

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