With so much change happening in the world, it makes many of us think about what's next in our career. Am I in the right job for me or is there another opportunity I should explore?
Effective communication is critical for aviation safety. What can you do to improve your pilot communication skills? If this article peaks your interest and you’re ready to learn more, contact[…]
When it comes to equipment or machines that are not commonly used among people, there also comes common misconceptions or myths regarding their operation. This is especially true of helicopters.[…]
- Why do you want to be a pilot and what’s your dream job?I[…]
Helicopters and airplanes both travel in the sky, but the nature of their operation means that many of their procedures markedly diverge from each other. To give you an idea of this, here are a[…]
As we often mention, helicopters provide vital support for operations around the world and even in the most remote setting, Antarctica, they are mission critical.
Hillsboro Aero Academy, is thrilled to announce our new collaboration with ADAC Luftrettung gGmbH (ADAC Air Rescue). Due to Germany’s increased need for emergency medical service pilots, ADAC[…]
Patrick joined moved from Michigan to Oregon in 2019 to join Hillsboro Heli Academy and is working on his professional pilot training. Read more about his experience at Hillsboro.
Have you dreamed about a career in aviation but weren't sure if the timing was right? Well, now is definitely the time to explore those dreams. Last year, the University of North Dakota and[…]